This zoning study was completed as a professional service to analyze the best use development potential for a plot of land in the fast growing Avondale neighborhood of Chicago. The owner had maintained a mechanics shop on this site for 40 years and was planning to retire in the near future. He hoped to sell the property for redevelopment but through the help of his realtor realized in order to get the best return for his property he would need to rezone it for one of the more dense residential development zoning districts. I performed rigorous zoning research to study what had been approved recently in the neighborhood by they very strict Neighborhood Association Boards and what the current Chicago zoning could allow.
In the end, we recommended the owner proceed with rezoning as RT-4, allowing up to 17 units, or RM 4.5, allowing up to 25 units. This was based on an increase in density we felt would fit the growing multi-family character of residential architecture in the neighborhood and the sensitivity of the Neighborhood Counsel members for growth that valued massing, green space and daylight strategies.